Hollister’s Downing Street Christmas Lights — Short Drive Across the Bridge from Downtown Branson.

A short drive from Historic Downtown Branson down Bus Hwy 65 (south) — across the Taneycomo Bridge then right at the roundabout will take you to downtown Hollister’s Downing Street (see Foster Museum post for more information on Hollister https://bransonmovisitorhacks.com/top-two-cheap-or-free/)
Downing Street’s holiday lighting,, as well as the Christmas lights on the old train depot and city hall, make for a pleasant nighttime visit.
You will find two restaurants on Downing St. — the Ye Olde English Inn’s Black Horse Pub , and Little Hacienda (http://littlehaciendabranson.com/)
There are two coffee shops in downtown Hollister: Vintage Paris (drive to the end of Downing St. and take a left) https://www.vintagepariscoffeeshop.com/and Hollister Coffee CO which is located on Bus Hwy 65 near the U.S. Post Office http://www.hollistercoffeeco.com/